Professional Female IVR Voice Over & On Hold
Interactive voice response is a technology that allows callers to interact with a computer through the phone before being connected to a live human. Professional IVR recordings allow the computer to use pre-recorded voice prompts to communicate. The problem is…well, we all know what it’s like communicating with… the “phone voice lady”, also sometimes known as “the most hated voice in America”. Because these messages are pre-recorded, IVR voice recordings can run the risk of sounding cold and robotic. To avoid this, some IVR voice over talent as well as many on-hold messaging talent try to overcompensate by using “phone voice”. However, using a female IVR voice over talent that is instructive, warm, and engaging, but not trying to mimic that phone lady sound, will let callers know that their time is appreciated…guide them through their interactive experience…and hopefully, make the whole process just a little more pleasant.
It’s important to remember that sometimes your IVR voice, as well as your on-hold voice over, is the first impression many of your clients will have with your company. The voice-over needs to represent who you are as a brand. Using an IVR voice-over talent who sounds natural and authentic goes a long way in helping to create a genuine connection with your customers.
Beth specializes in voice over for IVR and on-hold. She can help you find just the right tone to represent your company or brand, and help your customers get the information they need…without having to deal with phone voice lady first.